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Loan Of Spaces

The National Braidense Library has plenty of spaces perfect to host every kind of events, like book showcases, meetings, lectures, promotional events.

The Monumental Rooms can be loaned also for exhibitions, or as a set for photo sessions or movie shootings.

The Management will schedule and evaluate the suitability of every event proposed, in agreement with the Regional Direction Of Cultural Heritage.


Maria Teresa Hall
maximum capacity 180 seats
Mobile PA and recording systems
Reading Room (Sala Teologica)
Capacity from 75 to 150 seats
Mobile PA and Recording System
Entrance Hall
Ambiente adatto a riprese fotografiche o televisive e catering al di fuori dell'orario di apertura dell'Istituto.
Scalone d'onore
Interesting site for photo sessions, movie shootings, or else for catering services, outside of the opening hours of the library

On the grand staircase and in the courtyard it is possible, in accordance with the library management, to hang direction signs about the event's location.

Clearance for out-walls advertising must be requested to the Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico Antropologico (via Brera 28, 20121 Milano - phone n. 02722631)


The daily fee of every room depends on the event hosted

As for the art. 120 from the "Codice dei beni culturali e del Paesaggio", the library accepts sponsorships, in order to protect and promote its resources

The library management will ask for a security deposit, amounting on the daily fee tripled, as a guarantee against accidental damages of the spaces in loan

Fee payment options
deposit on the giro account number 3251, addressed to:
  Banca d'Italia
  Tesoreria Provinciale dello Stato
  Sez. di Milano
writing, in the "causale" box:
  "da versare sul Capo 29, capitolo 2584/3 - Concessione spazio Biblioteca Braidense".
Please remember to bring the original copy of your deposit certificate to the library administration office before the event's set up.
Costs of the set up
the room set up is comprehensive of:
  • forniture shifting
  • seats arrangements
  • cleanings before and after the event
the costs depend on the event's requirements, every service is done by an external company who arranges a detailed budget and invoices directly the claimant
Commission for the custodians
Whether the event will take place during the opening hours of the library or not, library custodians must be payed for their service.
The wage (per hour) is set by bargain with the trade unions and then communicated by the management to the claimant.