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Loan allowances
Loan term
Request of items
Items delivery

Opening times

Borowing policy is established by D.P.R. 05.07.1995, n. 417.

Loan allowances

Readers have an allowance of up to two items for a maximum of four units (in case of items in more volumes); students working for their dissertation have an allowance of three items.

Items that may be borrowed are volumes printed in the past 70 years in good preservation state, without plates, with the following call-marks and that may be requested online:

All other items may not be borrowed.

Loan term

Loan has a maximum term of thirty days (including holydays) and may be renewed once for another month or fraction.

The return date, reported on the receipt delivered with the desired items, indicates the maximum return term, under penalty of the temporary exclusion from the service.

Renewal must be asked personally by the Reader card holder, that must go to the Loan desk with the book and the receipt before the return date.
Renewal by email or phone is not valid.

The reader is advised to control the integrity and the preservation state of the volume, because it must be returned in the same state, under penalty of exclusion from the service.

The reader may delegate only the final return of the borrowed volume, together with the receipt.

Latecomers are excluded from the loan service for a period of 2 times the lateness.

Readers who do not return items are legally pursuable according to Art. 58 of D.P.R. 417/95.

Request of items

In order to borrow volumes the reader mustregister for the borrowing service.

Borrowing request may be sent directly from the Online catalogue.

After locating the desired item in the Online catalogue, the reader must:

  1. click on ask services in the column Services
  2. fill the form Identificazione Utente as follows:
    • Codice Utente: type NB followed by the number of your reader's or loan card
    • type the passwork
    • click on OK
  3. click on "prestito materiale a magazzino" (loan)
  4. click on inserisci richiesta (send request), adding in the nota utente (user's note) possible communications
  5. the procedure ends when the message "la vostra richiesta è stata inserita" (your request has been inserted) is displayed
  6. click on uscita (exit)

For further detail please contact the Information service.

In case the desired item is already borrowed a message "Libro non disponibile" (book is not available) is displayed.

Please specify in the field "nota utente" (reader's note) the approximate hour when you will retire the desired items.

Items delivery

The reader is called at the Distribution desk to collect the desired items.

Requested items will be at the reader's disposal for one day.

Items not collected in due time are returned to the stacks.