The Information service is located at the entrance of the Catalogue Hall.
- The service provides:
- practical information on the use of the library
bibliographic information by phone
sale of publications and other informative materials of the library
assistance on searchis in the Online catalogue, Internet or CDroms
booking by phone of items stored in the off-site stacks, with call-mark:
Journals: PER.
Bibliographic journals: PER.BIBL.
Commercial guides: GUIDE COMM., except for GUIDE COMM.16. which are available in the Catalogue rooom
Official publications from number 400: P.U.
French collection: COLL.FR.
English collection: COLL.INGL.
German collection: COLL.TED.
Various collections: COLL.VAR.
Items sheltered in off-site stacks (up to a maximum of 2 years and 4 volumes) are collected
twice a week (on Tuesday and Thursday) and are available after 14:00.
- You can reach the Information service:
- by email:
by phone: 0286460907 int. 533 o select 2 after the welcome menu
by mail:
Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
Servizio Informazioni
via Brera, 28
20121 Milano