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Scalone d'onore

Grand Staircase

It is the main access to the Library.

From the entrance in via Brera 28 one goes through the courtyard, past the staircase at the entrance of the Pinacotheque, through the large corridor in front of it and finally finds the Stairs on the left.

From the rear entrance in via Fiori Oscuri 4, one enters the gate facing the car passage, goes through the short corridor and finds the Stairs on the right immediately after the columns.

In the upper balcony at the entrance if the Library one can admire the busts of Giovanni Gherardini, Giulio Carcano e Francesco Ambrosoli.

On the right side of the entrance a memorial plaque of the Historical Society of Lombardy (Società Storica Lombarda) commemorates Ludovico Antonio Muratori and the founders of the Società Palatina (1880).

On the left wall another memorial plaque commemorates Giuseppe Parini (1729-1799), who held the chair of teacher of eloquence from 1754 to 1799 at the Liceo di Brera. He lived in the palace and his teaching room was the now-called Research reading room.

In the middle of the first flight of stairs one can find the bag deposit.

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