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Photocopies and digitisation

The library can photocopy, digitise, photoreproduce or scan every undamaged document of standard dimensions.
This service must be authorized by the management.

How to request the service

Send the request to the Information service
by email: b-brai.riproduzionibeniculturali.it
by mail:
  Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
  Servizio Informazioni
  via Brera, 28
  20121 Milano

If the copy is meant for commercial purposes, please attach the Modello 24 , fully completed.

In case of request, for study or research reasons, of a manuscript or a rare book reproduction, use the Modello 23.

Users will pay for the copies.

Copying is controlled by law, referring to: D.P.R. del 5 Luglio 1995 N. 417 Regolamento recante norme sulle Biblioteche Pubbliche Statali, Titolo VIII art. 45, 46, 47, 48 e 49.