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Interlibrary Loan

This service grants photoreproduction requests and book loans from other libraries. Users will be charged for the postage and photoreproduction costs.
The books loaned with this service must be read in the consultation room or else, upon agreement with the loaning library, are granted for domicile loan.
The costs of interlibrary loan, national and international, are at the user's expense.
For loan regulations see D.P.R. 05/07/1995, n. 417.
To forward a request, users must accord with the Interlibrary Loan Service,
  phone 02 72263439
  e-mail: b-brai.pres-interbibliotecariobeniculturali.it
The form must be filled in and consigned personally to the Interlibrary Loan Service counter.

Loan forms:
National loan
International loan