Local online catalogues
- The General Online Catalogue (OPAC SBN) of the library
and mediatheque, allows to verify every book's availability and enables the request for
loan or consultation. DVDs and CDs can be viewed and listened to in the mediatheque.
All books in loan, or aquired by the library since 1994 have been catalogued in SBN.
The library has started cataloguing all its retrospective heritage: the Genreal Catalogue
nowadays includes more than 50,000 books published before 1830.
For the works published before 1899 which are not included in the General Catalogue, please
refer to the library Handwritten Catalogue, and for the others,
dating to 1958, to the Card Catalogue.
- General Catalogue - OPAC
Music Catalogues
Paper and digitised catalogues
- Antiquarian books, up to 1899, are filed in the library Handwritten Catalogue, the newer,
up to 1994, are filed in the General Card Catalogue.
In addiction to the ones mentioned above, there are other catalogues coming from either
thematic or special collections.
Some of the ancient books have been already included in the
General online catalogue.
- General Catalogues
Special Catalogues
Catalogues in volumes
Collective Catalogues
- The library, since its beginning, contributes to the National Library Service sharing
the OPAC ISBN Service, the Azalai Service and the bibliographic catalogue for the Lombard
universities, and takes part in many national and international projects aimed to catalogue special materials.
Through these catalogues it is possible to find some works owned by the library.
MetaOPAC Azalai libraries of Lombardia
Manus, Italian manuscripts census
Edit16, national sixteenth century editions census
ISTC, Incunabula Short Title Catalogue,
database of fifteenth century editions
Remote Catalogues
- Collective and foreign catalogues
- Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog
British Library
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Library of Congress